26. Printed Mockup & Reflection

Mock-up https://issuu.com/ciprian.rosu/docs/diy_magazine_-_finalfinal Reflection After just posting my magazine prototype, my only feeling is... WOW! I really did it!! against all odds:having a full time job; zero experience with Wordpress/ blogging;zero experience in designing layouts for any kind of publication.I must admit I was terrified by this project, but right now I am so pleased, and hopeful, and excited to start the next similar project for A level, to be able to build on the skills I have just gained.Next time I would like to experience further apps, especially the Adobe Lightroom or other photo editing app.For the double spread article I would…


24. Layout design

Cover Design I started by bringing my input from the planning phase: Masthead – draft Flatplan Main Image After combining these elements and deciding upon the cover lines, I worked a bit on the colors from my logo in order to make it more visible,  as well as on the positioning of the barcode, selling line, edition ID and I obtained the following Cover drafts: I sent out my drafts to several people for feedback.The main criticism was related to the color of my logo/ masthead. Although a very contrasting option with the main image which made my orange masthead…