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6. Preliminary Task – Cover Title

  • Post category:Preliminary Task
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Hidden Gems of Bucegi and Trascau Mountains

… a collection of off the beaten tracks… for beginner trekkers

Considering the selection of photos I was able to put together from the photo-shooting during summer, I realized that they could very well address a target audience encompassing any person 16 years+ yearning for some quiet inside nature, away from the busy life of the towns. I literally mean any person, regardless of age, sex or social status.

Transportation means could be owned or public, as sites referred to in the album would be easily reachable from anywhere in the country, so going to find the spots from the album would be very faisable. However, a major physical impairment would be a deal breaker to actually going there, so these persons should make only imaginary travels. Hopefully my pictures would inspire them to get a reach imaginary experience.

Nevertheless I thought it was best to emphasize in the title that tracking is involved, so that everybody sets the correct expectations.

As I mentioned, all spots are easily reachable, hence I also noted in the title that beginner level is enough to enjoy the track. Of course the more experienced ones would also welcome such destinations from time to time.

That’s it! My title is ready: Hidden Gems of Bucegi and Trascau Mountains … a collection of off the beaten tracks… for beginner trekkers.