10. Magazine Genre

Sources of Inspiration Before deciding on the topic to be allocated to my project, I studied several issues from 3 genres of magazines I am interested in: DYI/ Handyman; Travel & Outdoor Activities Sports For each issue studied I tried to identify all the codes and conventions used and their respective implementation style. Choice of the Magazine Genre As you know from my About Me section, I am already working as an apprentice in the construction field, in which I plan to set up my own business after I finish my education. Hence I intend to follow my area of…


9. Task Selection for the Media Studies Foundation project

Hello,  As all the preliminary work is done, I am ready to start posting in this new milestone of the Foundation Project, i.e. documenting my research and planning process. I’ve decided to make the Magazine rather than the movie opening task. Hard copy magazines are starting to become a sort of lost media, as the online environment is so easily available. Nevertheless, this doesn't mean that magazines or books would disappear! They are simply shifting the media form from paper to digital. Yet, there will always be people preferring the paper touch, not to mention the custom of all the…


8. Preliminary Task – Final Result & Reflection

Final Result: Reflection: Hurray! I did it! I am quite happy with my first task result... and it was far easier then I expected to be :)I was afraid I would end up with a more magazine looking cover, but I think I succeeded to make sure that everyone would guess from first glance that the book is a photo album with some comments about locations and on how to get there.I feel definitely more capable now to pursuing the course task! Of course I will make sure to allocate plenty of time to scroll through the enormous template gallery…


7. Preliminary Task – Production

App Used As I don't have any experience with editing apps, I dived directly into Canvas app, which is renowned for it's user friendliness and for the decent selection of elements available to use for free. Selection of Template I started by putting next to each other my top selection of templates before deciding on the final one. it looked too much as a magazine coverit looked a bit messy;maybe more suitable to teens audienceloved it! but I got the feeling of a photo collection only... and professional photos;it seemed more suitable for photography art collection.bingo!clearly a photo album cover;not…


6. Preliminary Task – Cover Title

Hidden Gems of Bucegi and Trascau Mountains... a collection of off the beaten tracks... for beginner trekkersConsidering the selection of photos I was able to put together from the photo-shooting during summer, I realized that they could very well address a target audience encompassing any person 16 years+ yearning for some quiet inside nature, away from the busy life of the towns. I literally mean any person, regardless of age, sex or social status.Transportation means could be owned or public, as sites referred to in the album would be easily reachable from anywhere in the country, so going to find…


5. Preliminary Task – Photo-shooting

Photoshooting objectives I decided to have a photo album about mountain sceneries from Romania.Hence I planned a trekking trip during summer to my favorite spots (Bran, Moeciu and Alba Iulia surroundings) in order to produce a nice portfolio. I wanted to get photos from less known spots, to capture the fairy-tale like atmosphere the Carpathians mountains can offer. In places like this, the time seems to stop and all you can hear are your heart beats, the wind, and possibly the relaxing sound of the water streams from the valleys.In order to convey this feeling, I experimented several exposure types…


4. Preliminary Task – Idea: Photo Album Cover

Idea My choice for this task is to design the cover of a photo album. I wanted to make it very personal, so I narrowed down my options to the kind of photography I am drawn to: either pure nature or street photos or even pets making funny faces.I feel that all 3 topics could get easily defined target audiences.  My inspiration I tried to find examples from very different areas of interest. There was only one take out: the sky is the limit. No limitations perceived in terms of layout or content.


3. My style – previous works of mine

Before taking the Media Studies course, I have been always drawn to taking pictures at any time with my phone. I do not possess any artistic talent, but collecting snapshots of special gifts of nature has fascinated me at all times. You will find below a selection of my portfolio grouped into the categories I am drawn to: nature, travel, pets. They are either simple photos or collages. I like experimenting with various types of photography from landscape, portrait, but especially close ups. I try different exposure options and different depths of the images.I like making collages to get in…


2. Reflection on Mastering WordPress

As mentioned in my referred post, even though I struggled a lot with mastering WordPress, the end result took me by surprise. This is my first ever Blog and is well beyond my expectations.Consequently, I consider that I will keep my blog alive even after exams and use it for real when I set up my business. Hence, I decided to purchase right away my own domain:www.buildersally.comIn order to make it even more readily available for my intended business, I also created a Logo using www.canvas.com : Seeing my blog growing with all the posts from the making of the…


1. Milestone 1: Mastering WordPress

Busted! I am not a computer user guru… unless it’s about computer games! :) It took like forever to get a decent grasp on using the content management WordPress (after several attempts to master WIX… which is definitely not my cup of tea!). After many attempts to using my “common sense” in finding the tools, widgets and menu options, I finally cherry-picked from several tutorials and, to my surprise, the end result of my first ever Blog is well beyond my expectations. When diving for extensive instructions about building a blog, I discovered an unlimited pool of extra tools, features,…