You are currently viewing 23. Photo selection and editing

23. Photo selection and editing


This is the step were I need to decide upon the headlines and the suitable photos.

COVER – main image

First I need to choose a portrait photo for my main image on the cover.

As the front yard needs landscape image for a comprehensive photo, the conclusion is that the backyard should feature on the cover. My backyard is an enclosed small area of 30 sqm which I turned from a muddy place into my intimate & relaxing zone where I usually drink my coffee and meditate.

Having all this in mind, my first though is to have as Main Cover Line the following: ” Create Your Own Backyard Zen Sanctuary”. For this line I need a picture able to convey the idea of a retreat, i.e. an unclutter area, full of greens. A cat absorbing all the negative energy as they say would be welcome in the photo. 

As I have 4 cats, it is quite difficult not to have at least one in my pictures 🙂

And here it my selection of photos for the Cover Magazine:

ToC – 6 images: As per the layout designed earlier, I need 6 images:

1. ToC - giveaways

One photo for the giveaways . For this one I staged a special photo with my steel-toed boots.

2. ToC - family DIY project

One photo for the family DIY project (the "bonus" article). For this I took several pictures of the cage with terrasse I assembled for my pets and I selected the above one.

3. ToC - main feature article

One photo for the main feature article which will definately be about the making of the rock garden from my front yard.

4. ToC - article re the main cover line

One photo should be for the article mentioned in the Main Cover Line, i.e. "Create your own Backyard Sanctuary"

5. ToC - feature article on metalcraft

A 2nd image should be referring to a new category of feature article, and I selected the pergola with the tin roof built in the backyard.

6. ToC - feature article on paving

A 3rd image should be referring to a new category of feature article, and I selected the pavement from the front yard and the front of the house.

Double-spread feature article: For this article I envisaged several images to represent the following:

main image

An overview of the entire front yard, in a landscape format.

body text

A selection of 3 close-ups of the rock garden to be incorporated in the body text of the main feature article.

BEFORE pictures

The 2nd page of the main feature article will only have pictures, a sort of moodboard with BEFORE and AFTER images.

AFTER pictures

The 2nd page of the main feature article will only have pictures, a sort of moodboard with BEFORE and AFTER images.

Editing photos

As mentioned previously, my only equipment for the photoshooting is my Samsung Camera App. To edit the selected photos I use Samsung Gallery App.

I never use filters. Especially for the genre of my magazine it is important to have my images as close to the real life as possible.

I usually work on the Light Balance to bring more light in the front ground, where my subject is, while for the background I play with the Exposure settings.

I don’t usually use the Contrast settings, but I increase almost all the times the Highlighting while decreasing the  Shadows settings until I get the preferred view. I do not apply tinting, but I increase sometimes the Saturation of the image.

When the light is poor when I take the shots, I help my editing with the option of increased Definition.